Senin, 20 Maret 2017


Nama              : Yudo Sakti Wicaksono
Kelas               : A
NBI                 : 1311401531
Mata Kuliah : Teknik Perancangan Kontrak

Asas Itikad Baik
Dalam hal kontrak tentu saja kita pernah membuat suatu perikatan, misalnya kita membuat sebuah perjanjian dengan siapapun maka tentu saja otomatis kita akan terikat secara hukum dengan seseorang yang lain. Misalnya kita melakukan perjanjian jual beli maupun perjanjian sewa menyewa. Maka dalam hal kita membuat suatu perjanjian maka harus ada yang harus dan wajib untuk kita patuhi bersama (para pihak yang terikat), yaitu asas itikad baik yang perlu dijadikan dasar untuk seseorang melakukan perbuatan hukum dalam mengikatkan diri dalam suatu perjanjian. Pada saat seseorang telah terbukti bahwa saat hendak membuat suatu perjanjian akan tetapi dilandasi oleh itikad buruk maka dapat berakibat batalnya suatu perjanjian tersebut. Kita ambil contoh saja seperti seseorang yang telah membuat suatu perjanjian hutang piutang namun dengan tujuan untuk menggelapkan dana pinjamannya, maka jelas sekali bahwa hal tersebut tidak didasari pada itikad baik dalam membuat suatu perjanjian.
Seperti yang sudah tercantum didalam KUHPerdata, Asas Itikad Baik tercantum dalam pasal 1338 ayat (3) KUHPer yang berbunyi “Perjanjian harus dilaksanakan dengan itikad baik”. Asas tersebut merupakan asas yang digunakan para pihak dalam suatu perikatan, maka bisa disimpulkan bahwa para pihak yaitu kreditur dan debitur yang saling mengikat harus melaksanakan substansi kontrak berdasarkan dari kepercayaan ataupun keyakinan yang teguh serta kemauan baik dari para pihak yang terikat. Asas itikad baik terbagi menjadi dua macam, yakni yang pertama adalah itikad baik nisbi (relative) dan yang kedua adalah itikad baik mutlak. Pengertian dari itikad baik yang pertama yaitu seseorang memperhatikan sikap dan juga tingkah laku yang telah nyata dari subjek. Pengertian dari itikad baik yang kedua adalah penilian terletak pada akal sehat serta keadilan dan dibuat ukuran yang obyektif untuk bisa menilai suatu keadaan (penilaian yang tidak memihak) yaitu menurut norma-norma yang obyektif. 
Dalam praktek pelaksanan dari perjanjian sering sekali ditafsirkan bahwa asas itikad baik adalah sebagai suatu hal yang sangat berhubungan sekali dengan kepatuhan serta kepantasan para pihak dalam melaksanakan suatu perjanjian atau kontrak yang menimbulkan perikatan. Menurut dari teori klasik dalam hukum kontrak, asas itikad baik bisa juga diterapkan ketika perjanjian telah memenuhi syarat tertentu,sebab akibat dari ajaran ini maka tidak melindungi para pihak yang telah menderita didalam tahap pra kontrak maupun dalam tahap perundingan, oleh karena didalam tahap ini suatu perjanjian belum memenuhi syarat tertentu. Penerapan dari asas itikad baik didalam kontrak bisnis, maka haruslah sangat perlu diperhatikan lebih terutama ketika para pihak melakukan perjanjian pra kontrak maupun negosiasi, sebab itikad baik baru diakui apabila jika perjanjian telah memenuhi semua syarat sahnya perjanjian ataupun setelah melakukan negosiasi. Terhadap timbulnya kemungkinan yang terjadi seperti kerugian terhadap para pihak yang mengikat pemberlakukan asas itikad baik ini, Suharnoko menjelaskan secara implisit bahwa Undang-undang Perlindungan Konsumen sudah mengakui bahwa suatu niat itikad baik itu sudah harus ada sebelum para pihak menandatangani suatu kontrak perjanjian diantara para pihak yang terikat, sehingga janji-janji dari pra kontrak dapat diminta suatu pertanggungjawaban berupa ganti rugi, bila janji tersebut telah diingkari.
Pengertian dari asas itikad baik secara defenisi tersendiri tidak dapat ditemukan sebab tidak dituliskan atau dijelaskan secara terperinci didalam KUHPer apa yang dimaksud dengan asas itikad baik, namun dapat dilihat pada pasal 1338 ayat (1) KUHPerdata hanya disebutkan bahwa perikatan dari perjanjian-perjanjian harus dilaksanakan oleh para pihak yang terikat dengan “itikad baik”. Maka menurut Subekti dan Wirjono Prodjodikoro, asas itikad baik (te goeder trouw) yang sering sekali diterjemahkan sebagai kejujuran, serta dibedakan ada dua macam, yaitu yang pertama adalah itikad baik ketika para pihak akan mengadakan suatu hubungan hukum maupun perjanjian yang mengikatkan diri para pihak yang membuat suatu perjanjian, dan yang kedua adalah itikad baik ketika para pihak melaksanakan apa yang menjadi hak-hak serta kewajiban-kewajiban yang telah timbul dari adanya hubungan hukum tersebut. Jadi sampai saat ini tidak ada penjelasan mengenai makna tunggal dari asas itikad baik dalam suatu kontrak yang mengikat para pihak, sehingga masih sering terjadi suatu perdebatan mengenai bagaimana makna yang sebenarnya dari itikat baik itu sendiri. Itikad baik dari para pihak, haruslah bisa mengacu kepada suatu nilai-nilai yang telah berkembang ditengah masyarakat luas, oleh sebab itikad baik merupakan bagian yang penting dari masyarakat.

Senin, 01 Juni 2015

This is the sixth World Celebrity-Owned Restaurants Poor

This is the sixth World Celebrity-Owned Restaurants Poor - Was no denying that the current trend is growing among the international celebrities that start the food in the restaurant business. Does not a few who want to try their luck with a capital of only reckless and want to sell their name. But most of them are very confident that the great man in the world of acting, or comedy, singers and others able to raise the interest of the buyer.

But not all celebrities who turned out to be successful with the business in the path. There is even a restaurant they are very very poorly maintained, dirty, rundown and dirty. Here is his review:

1. Britney Spears

At the age of 21 years, ie a pop star Britney Spears has mastered the art of music (art of music), and he also decided to better take the next step to explore the culinary industry / food. Right in 2002, Britney Spears tried to open a simple Cajun-themed restaurant in Manhattan and had named Nyla. The restaurant name he took from the city of New York stands and Louisiana.

Unfortunately, Nyla must mired with various number of problems that arise. Even Nyla also included in violation of health code rules, and not only that, employees were also no one can stand to work there long. In an effort Britney in an attempt to save his restaurant, he tried to change the Cajun menu with a variety of Italian dishes. again, such efforts can not and useless in business rescue Britney.

In total, the restaurant is only Britney can last 6 months since officially opened. Even months 6 Nyla has been closed because of its appearance squalid and unhealthy for society at large.

2. Justin Timberlake

This is the most surprising thing. Justin Timberlake turns out to have a restaurant and a bar called Southern Hospitality in New York. But the astonishing fact once instead of an investigation that has been carried out by the health authorities of the city.

In about a month in July 2013 and has been published medical reports and also asserted that the restaurant food Justin has the score was 78 out of 100 levels slovenly. It signifies no more than 28 percent of the health and cleanliness of the restaurant that was carried by the restaurant Southern Hospitality.

3. Brad Womack

In an examination of the level of health and also the level of cleanliness by one of the agencies in town Texas team, they have to have its own value standards. It is known that a score of 69 on the level of a restaurant slovenly already has failed or is not successful or do not pass the test.

Well guys, meanwhile a Dogwood food restaurant in the area of ​​Austin, Texas belonging to a Brad Womack had scores more than 72. Only got 3 points only, it means he has failed restaurant. In fact, there is also a report that was released when the time was indeed belong to Brad Dogwood restaurant was very dirty and nasty.

4. Jamie Oliver

Ironic, a profession of British celebrity chef, Jamie Oliver yuppss he is who has had a dozen of his own cooking show should get a serious problem related to his private restaurant in London. The restaurant is named Barbecoa declared a failure in a medical examination, worse still where it was also immediately closed just within 24 hours!

Barbecoa already have qualified title as a culinary tour of the most squalid and also the worst. Because it causes in examination has found many mushrooms that grow on the engine coolant and also turned out to be expensive meat in it. Not only that, there are mushrooms that was also contained in a drink.

Even worse was found a number of animals such as mice droppings scattered in every corner of the room. There is also the chicken from the results it returns are also expected to use preservatives dangerously high levels.

5. Lisa Vanderpump

Probably most of you will feel very disgusted if you have to see it. The restaurant and bar owned celebrity Lisa Vanderpump get very squalid rating very fantastic all. Of the value of the numbers 1 through 100, the restaurant called Villa Blanca is scored 90. You must be able to imagine how how slovenly condition of the place.

Villa Blanca has been closed for three days from the beginning of the opening, after the discovery of so many violations committed by the restaurant, as well as in the level of cleanliness is very low and there is also a rat ever in it.

6. Lady Gaga

Around July 2013 last, named Joanne Trattoria restaurant owner is Lady Gaga who is housed in the city of New York has been undergoing a medical examination and hygiene. The results were pretty bad too because there are a lot of violations, such as, among others, the rotten potatoes, also no signs of the cleanliness of the use of tableware and kitchenware.

Even some customers who never testified revealed that he once saw a rat in the restaurant. At that time, customers also clearly see the rats running, there are rats running and running around the table and also eat the crumbs on the floor. It is not just a mere rumor alone, they apparently also had to take a photo of the rats that were direstoran. The rats were known also agile remote corner of the room passes through the hole of one part of the wall restaurant. More ironically, none at all decisive action on the part of the medical examiner linked from this incident.

Selasa, 21 April 2015

Quick Ways to Raise Your Arm Muscles

Quick Ways to Raise Your Arm Muscles - Lots of people wonder and many are complaining also not a few, they are confused, how in order to get a good arm muscles and how to raise their arm muscles. This question would often we hear from men who feel their arms small size and want to increase the intensity and size of the arm muscle mass they would not only consume a lot of content in fruit, here are your tips for anyone, especially for men who want a macho I will share tips on how easy ways to raise your arm muscles, check this out ...:

1. Expand And Diligent Push Up
Push ups exercise is one of the simplest ways of sports and simple which also can be done anywhere alone only and are definitely lightweight sports activities will be able to effect a bicep curl you so pumped into bigger ukurannya.Cobalah to organize your training schedule for exercise Push Up and try mentargetnya by raising the intensity of his reps and sets, for example, today you are able to do push-ups 30 times, tomorrow could do 40 times, the next longer able to push up to 50 times and so on and so forth until the maximum limit the ability of yourself. If you are a new personal self can push up your arm muscles will feel sore because it is the beginning of your push-ups, the new you can, but if you've been able to push up, it will not feel it because it is used, you need to add reps and sets in order to feel the effect.

2. Train Sleeve With Barble
Another alternative to train your arm muscles but to do push-ups is to use a barble. Barble it is an object of the sport ballast made of iron, weight and size vary depending on the strength of yourself. Price barblepun also diverse, from the cheapest is made of plastic material to expensive, there is also the future can be filled with a sand to add weight as desired.

3. Go to the Gym / Fitness center
Health and fitness that benefits of exercise in the gym or fitness center is a place where a lot of varied tools for exercise. In the gym itself you will be guided (if any instructor) find a variety of tools that can help function you wish to enlarge your arm muscle mass. The more and often you train and use new techniques in practice, it will sooner muscle mass you want to be terbentuk.Aturlah schedule to go to the gym how many days of the week, and the rest you can practice your own home is one of them with push ups and barble sports.

4. Remember To Eat Regularly
Usually we are ideally taught to eat regularly ssehari is 3 times a day. Well, you also do not forget to have to adjust your diet and also need to pay attention to the content of makroprotein intake as well as carbohydrates, as well as a certain amount of fat and protein intake.

5. Eating Egg White
By increasing the consumption of rich egg whites contain a lot of fat and contain the intake of carbohydrates is also very very good for health as well as your arm muscle mass formation. Plenty of eating boiled egg whites and make it as your snack.

6. Multiply the Much Milk fat and High Protein
Milk is a nutritious beverage containing high levels of fat are easy to come by anywhere example in supermarkets such as L-Man. Diligent and routine was to drink milk like this in order to accelerate the creation of your arm muscle mass.
7. Increase Time Bedtime
This is very important as well, experts bodybuilders have a very effective sleep separately, ie 7 and or up to 8 hours in a day. According to this survey has been demonstrated by researchers. Less hours of sleep time will mempengaruhui is slowing your muscle formation. So for that sleep on a regular basis that the point is to repair muscle tissue and growth hormone on growth hormone anda.Pada body has an enormous function in the process of establishing your arm muscles. Take to 7 points on a regular basis sertaberkala, then all of it after 3 months the results would be visible and you will feel satisfied, all depends on your seriousness, the more serious the conduct, the result will be the maximum.

Read Also :  This Is The Nature Based on Blood Type

Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

recognize one's personality

recognize one's personality - Discussing personality is an interesting discussion, because it involves the soul, passion and desire .Personality always in touch with people who have an important existence as social beings, both internally "(social for himself)" or externally "(social for others) ", in other words, each person has a different personality. without personality, human beings will not be tested, it is not clear, there is no meaning, and not like a human being should be. PERSONALITY DISCERN THE ONE WITH THE OTHER.

personality is derived from the word persona, (refer to mask commonly used showman in ancient Roman times). in general, the personality that always leads to how individuals to popularize themselves and spread to other personal impression.

Which in dasarannya literally the definition of personality itself in general are soft because assess behavior can be observed and can be ignored the possibility that this characteristic may change depending on how the situation around him. In addition to the definition of so-called mushy either because of its nature evaluative (nature always judge), however, is essentially a personality that can not be rated "good" or "bad" because of neutrality.

What is interesting about this study personality psychology is that of many experts that make this a separate science lessons from existing knowledge. In some concepts, this issue became a central issue so many experts who gave different arguments about personality. C.G. Jung in his book "Psychological Types" in 1971, he gave the personality of introvert and extrovert. Both types are characterized by the nature of the individual to an object. An introvert basically often want to escape rather than the object, as if the object were to be prevented from his self-control. In contrast, extroverts have a positive attitude to the object. Were the ones who have mastered the object.

Isabel Briggs Myers in his book "Gifts Differing", split into eight types Jung discusses two types of assessment and understanding. It is he who has found a Myers-Briggs type indicator which is the measurement of personality preferences, capacities and limitations. He sure each type have their respective strengths.

GW All Port (1897) who has completed his Ph.D. in psychology in the era of 1922 at Harvard University, to give an idea, "Personality is the dynamic organizationb wwithin the individual Reviews those psychological system that Determine his unique adjustments to his environtment." (Personality is a dynamic organization that is on someone in a mental health system that determines the uniqueness of the adjustment to the environment). And of these ideas we can understand that personality is an organization that has been structured from the many interrelated elements. This linkage has a structure arrangement in functional relationships.

Personality has a lot of its plural meaning, even because it is arguably the total number of definitions and understanding of personality is a group of people who interpret it. In this occurs because of differences in the drafting, research and measurement.

Read also : this is nature based on blood type

Minggu, 22 Februari 2015

This is the specification of the Samsung Galaxy A7

This is the specification of the Samsung Galaxy A7 - Indeed Samsung gadgets never no death, there is always work never stops, now Samsung's latest product release the Samsung Galaxy A7. Its extraordinary is perfect for anyone who is fond of collecting reliable and fancy gadgets, A7 certainly will not disappoint you.

Model design is very beautiful and stylish make it look so very luxurious and breathtaking. This gadget has a specification that is very satisfying yourself with GSM / HSDPA / LTE, which was released February 2015.

how the model?, has dimensions of 151 x 76.2 x 6.3 mm (5.94 x 3:00 x 0:25 in)
width is 141 g (4.97 oz), and if you want to have a mobile phone 2 sim no problem because the A7 is also dual sim.
How the display screen? Type Super AMOLED screen has a capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors which have a size of 5.5 inches, this phone also has a great resolution is 1080 x 1920 pixels (~ 401 ppi pixel density) as well as multitouch, using Corning Gorilla Glass protection 4.

And what about the peronnya?
calm, guaranteed not to make you upset ..... A7 has Kitkat v4,4 android OS.
Then Qualcomm MSM8939 Snapdragon equipped with a 615 - LTE / 3G Dual SIM models
Exynos 5 Octa 5430 - LTE models.
And also the CPU is also not play is a quad-core 1.7 GHz Cortex-A53 and quad-core 1.0 GHz Cortex-A53 - LTE / 3G Dual SIM models, and also it will make you crazy ... Quad-core 1.8 Cortex-A15 GHz and quad-core 1.3 GHz Cortex-A7 - LTE models

A7 also has Adreno 405 GPU Mali-T628 and also MP6
When talking about his slot card, it uses a micro SD, up to 64 GB, and has an internal 16 GB and 2GB of RAM.

The camera does not mess around too at 13MP which makes you comfortable to shoot anything, autofocus and LED flash are also available when in darkness.
also features Geo-tagging, touch focus, face detection, panorama, HDR.
Her video resolution 1080p @ 30fps and front camera of 5 MP.

And what about the sound? loudspeaker available, calm, bluetooth menggunakkan v4,0.
A2DP, EDR, LE .... also available WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n, dual-band, hotspot.

GPS is available, NFC is also available, there is also a radio, calm. USB uses a micro USB v2,0

Aided by the sensor Accelerometer, proximity, compass.
messages are also available SMS (threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM
and to internent using HTML5
Then for JAVA applications Yes, via Java MIDP emulator
- ANT + support
- Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic
- MP4 / WMV / H.264 player
- MP3 / WAV / WMA / eAAC + / FLAC player
- Photo / video editor
- Document viewer

Non-removable battery Her Li-Ion 2600 mAh battery.

Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

This Is The Nature Based on Blood Type

This is the nature Based on Blood Type - Hello friends who are still loyal to visit the blog this psychology that will make you increasingly recognize the circumstances around you, I had a discussion ya something, the request of my friend .....

We humans or even all living beings in this world clearly has blood, which we discuss here is darrah man, not the holy blood (later even lead to Hunk-Hunk Wolves hehehe), instead of animal blood (I do not understand how the blood of animals) . Human blood was divided into four groups, namely: A, B, O, and AB. Of the four groups that have the characteristics and uniqueness of each human blood group, well, like what is the uniqueness and characteristics of each blood type ?? Let us discuss together

Blood Type A
They are believed to have consistent properties, organized, hard-working edge too scared, anxious, worried (quasi perfect) so as to make the people around him do not like.
Blood type is shy, tends to be very polite once behavior. But each person has a blood type A has the same properties is difficult to fit in with others. They are personally responsible. If there is a work to be done, they choose to be more concerned with their own personal affairs. Blood type A desperate for a success and perfectsionist.

Individuals who have this blood type is the creative and artistic than the other blood group, possibly due to their sensitivity. They are also believed to be a classic and easy to stress.

1. They are cool, calm, patient, serious
2. Firmly, believable but stubborn.
3. When going to do something, they are very cautious, wary, thinking of planning
    until completely cooked. They will work with intention and very consistent.
4. They always try to make themselves as ideal and as natural as possible in their community.
5. Ordinary is also like the looks alone and try to stay away from people at any given moment.
6. Always suppress feelings and make themselves look tough in the face of any kind, although
    were in fact they have anxiety, nervousness and many other things.
7. They can be hard for people who do not have the same opinion, then its
    they like to get together with people who have the same termperamen with them.

Blood Type B
They enjoy this nature / relaxed, less cooperative as well as likes to follow the rules / ideas of their own thinking so those with blood type B can also be called individualism. His blood type is more likely concerned with their own ideas rather than feelings. Thus, they have a cold nature is also very serious. Person who has blood type B is considered walkin conventionalist than other blood types.

1. curiosity high, easily attracted by something new. (Kepo once heheheh)
2. They have a lot of hobbies and interests. So if they feel like something very
    passionate and easy too bored.
3. However, they are able to choose which things are most important and which ones are the best to choose from
    of the many things he was doing.
4. Blood type B has always wanted to be number one and do not want when they are considered average
    or in general. They often neglect other things if they're interested and focused on
    one thing, or they can also be called language kasarannya not "multi-tasking"
5. Looks seem carefree spirit, brilliant and very enthusiastic when viewed from the outside of his course,
    whereas the original is different to what his true nature themselves.

Blood Type O
For those who have blood type O's, tend to its open, energetic, high social sense. This group of people is very flexible compared with other blood types.
They are easy to start a project but will be many obstacles and difficulties that they face, because they are very easy to give up. Many behavior and can not be too unreliable .They always like to say what they dipikiran.
Easy to appreciate other people's opinions, likes to be the center of attention and their personal confidence.

1. Its the usual group O is like bringing a cozy atmosphere, creating a passion for
    a group and play a role in creating harmony among the members of the group
    concerned, they have the leadership so deserve to be leadership.
2. The nature of this they can be seen when they are as a person who is able to receive and
    implement something quietly.
3. If they feel very keal with others, it is difficult to be angry against the person directly.
4. Generously (good), likes to do good and truth. They are generous, not stingy to
   spend money for the sake of others.
5. Favored by everyone even though they are so stubborn and always have an opinion
    themselves about various things, but in secret.
6. People of blood type O is very flexible, easy to accept new things.
7. It's easy to be influenced by the surrounding environment and others.
8. They are headed, and reliable but they often slip because they have
    less cautious and vigilant so that could cause a problem.

Blood Type AB
People who have blood type AB is difficult to forecast / predict / guess. This guy has the characteristics at the end of the spectrum at the same time. For example: they bsia be a shy person, and in a moment can change otherwise. They very easy once changed from one of the properties to other properties or the opposite.
Blood type AB can to be trusted and able to be responsible once. But they are less able to handle the problem is too much. They want only to help as long as their condition allows. This type of person with art and metaphysics.
Blood type AB blood type is considered as the worst in the country of the rising sun of Japan.
They are easy to leave their jobs because of their desire is not fulfilled .They are very known to be sensitive and wants to be commended to cover the shortage of this type of group.

Some cases, some companies try to divide employees into several classes or groups based on their blood type, but no one wants to work together with people of this group AB.

1. They have a gentle nature and is very sensitive.
2. Very keep the feelings of others as well as very caring and attentive at all.
3. In addition, they can also be harsh with themselves can also to people who
    around them.
4. They look like having two personalities.
5. They are always to be so sentiments and thinking too sharp, deep, and long.
6. It has many associations and friends, but they need time alone separately
    reflect on their own problems.

That's an explanation of the characteristics possessed by each blood group,,, but it is certainly not entirely true in fact,,, So, it is only for knowledge ..... thank you very much ...

How Many Calories a Day Should Be

How many calories a day should be - Our body is like a car, needs to be given fuel intake in order to run. The food is carbohydrate, protein, and fat in the body's cells need to function to the best of baiknya.Tapi, think like your account is in a bank account, deposits increased if a lot of money deposited, and the balance to minus if you continue to have money taken.
When eating a lot and there is no burning of his deposit in the form of emuk and distended abdomen, the disease will arise because of it. Conversely, if the weight of workers without adequate caloric intake will also be skinny skinny. So the caloric needs of each individual in human beings differ depending on many things.

Age. Teens need a high calorie intake, because the period is a period of growth, compared with elderly people who just need a little calories to maintain its metabolism.
Gender. A man needs a greater caloric intake than women, because men bigger muscles, burning more. With the same weight, a man needs 10 calories more than a woman.

Activity. Calories needed an ordinary employee in an office definitely smaller than those working in the field. An Athlete would require substantial calories.
Certain circumstances. A mother who is pregnant and breastfeeding also need more calories than other women.
Diseases suffered. People suffering from infectious diseases and fever requires no small amount of calories. People who are obese / obesity and disease should reduce the intake of calories in their diets.

Calorie needs of average people in General
GenreAge (years old)easy workmedium workhard work
< 20







So ,We  can control eat when we need calories for work in everyday... Very important for save the body because it make body fit without sick everything....
okay thank you to read my article,, see you guys in the next article.. 

I love you all...

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